The big 3 questions...
Is it too rainy in the rainy season?
Is it too hot in the dry season?
Are there too many bugs?
I say no to all 3, but I love it here. The correct answer is - I don't know. How much is too much?
People hear about our rainy season and think of our tropical jungle and automatically think that we get torrents of rain for months. Day after day if gloomy hard rain.
Its not like that. Not at all. You watch too many movies. ;)
It does rain every day (during its peak) for an hour or 2. Its rare for us to get an all day rain. We mostly get short bursts of hard rain with warm, intense sunshine between. Our rainy season is my favorite time of year. All of my favorite free foods are ripe in the rainy season. (avocado, mango, ect) The jungle springs back into life literally grows out of control Wildlife sightings are much higher. I have always heard people say water is life. Our rainy season is a perfect example of how correct that statement is.
Well nothing talks like numbers.
I found a cool chart that shows our average rain fall.
You can see why our BIG tourist season is November and December. The rain has died back but the plants, animals, rivers, everything is well watered, fat and happy. If you don't work in tourism you can take it pretty easy this time of year. There is so much food, and really - What else do you need?
I bet its like a million degrees there.
I will take that bet! The dry season gets hot. Don't get me wrong. I bet its much more mild than you think. I like the heat but I can see how some would hate it here. Its not for everyone, but I'm sure glad I found it.
What? I found another cool chart that shows our average temperature See for your self if we are to hot for you.
If you hate being hot - avoid May. For me January gets too cold. LOL I even have a coat.
OK. What about the bugs?
Well, you got me. There are tons of bugs here. Its part of a healthy ecosystem. Not that many bite you, though. (I wish I had a chart for this.)
The bugs that bite are always there. There may be far less than you imagine. There are far more mosquitos in Richmond, Va than there are here. If you are around large animals - we have much much less horseflies than Virginia.
We do have a horsefly type thing called a doctor fly. Its got one hell of a bite. It is a dry season bug. We also have some very large and scary looking bugs. Those don't bite though. Want an example? There is a bug that looks just like a cockroach but bigger. I saw one in the jungle that was about a foot and a half long! No lie.
Its just too hard for me to say if there are too many bugs. Some people have extreme fear of bugs. Others get giddy and excited to see big, unusual bug. If you do like bugs you should come stay in the jungle for a while. We have some really cool ones.
As far as really getting bit up by bugs - That depends on how much thy like you. There are times when there are more than others. See below the transitions from rainy to dry and dry to rainy? During those times of transition we seem to have more bites. After living here a while, it seems to be the only time we get bit.
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